Submission Requirements:

While Moonstone Arts Center and Moonstone Press started out as a Philadelphia based organization, the pandemic and zoom has made us international. We are open to submissions from everyone.

Please submit about thirty-five pages of material. Poems may have been previously published, but the work as a whole must be new. 

Simultaneous submissions to other publishers are permitted, but you must promptly notify Moonstone Press if a manuscript is accepted elsewhere. 

When determining total line length for each poem, include spaces between stanzas and number/section breaks. Divider pages or section titles should be included in the total page count. 

The final, saddle-stitched chapbook will be printed in 11 point Garamond font on paper that is 4 ½ inches wide.

Include a separate cover letter with a biography statement and contact information (mailing address, email address, and phone numbers). 

A $15.00, nonrefundable reading fee is required for us to accept and review your work.

All submissions must be sent through Submittable. Mailed, hard-copy manuscripts will no longer be accepted.

Moonstone is nonprofit organization largely run with the help of volunteers. The current review timeline for open submissions is about 6 months. This timeline is not reflective of your work; we are dedicated to giving each submission consideration with the resources we have. 

If you have a problem or questions, contact Larry Robin @ 215-735-9600.

We use Submittable to accept and review our submissions.