World Press Freedom Day
The United Nations General Assembly declared May 3 to be World Press Freedom Day or just World Press Day, observed to raise awareness of the importance of freedom of the press and remind governments of their duty to respect and uphold the right to freedom of expression enshrined under Article 19 of the 1948 Universal Declaration of Human Rights and marking the anniversary of the Windhoek Declaration, a statement of free press principles put together by African newspaper journalists in Windhoek in 1991
Deadline: April 6
Virtual Event: May 4
Submission Guidelines: Please submit one poem for our World Press Freedom anthology.
Keep this poem limited to 35 lines total. When determining the total line length for each poem, include spaces between stanza (ex: a poem of 5 couplets would equal 14 lines). Numbers or section breaks should also be included as lines when calculating the total line length. Count an epigraph as 3 extra lines. A line that has more than 60 characters (including spaces and punctuation) should be counted as two lines. If lines are staggered like a Ferlinghetti poem, estimate the width of the line.
The final book will be printed in 11 point Garamond font on pages that are 4.5 inches wide. Poems with lines longer than 4.5 inches may be changed or denied due to printing constraints.
For questions or inquiries, please email Larry Robin at
29th Annual Poetry Ink
We want you all: published poets, unpublished poets, academic poets, street poets, poets who write Sonnet, Villanelle, Haiku, Ekphrastic Poems, Concrete Poems, Epitaph, Elegy, Epigram, Limerick, Ballad, Ode, Free Verse. Join us for our 29th year of presenting 100 poets reading in alphabetical order.
Submit to our 29th Poetry Ink anthology and to read.
Deadline: Sunday, April 13th, end of the day
LIVE Event: Sunday, May 18th at The Rotunda (4014 Walnut St, Philadelphia, PA 19104)
Virtual Reading: Monday, May 19th via Zoom
Anthology Submissions: Please submit one poem for our 29th Annual Poetry Ink Anthology.
Please limit your submission to one poem.
Keep this poem limited to 35 lines total. When determining the total line length for each poem, include spaces between stanzas (ex: a poem of 5 couplets would equal 14 lines). Numbers or section breaks should also be included as lines when calculating the total line length. Count an epigraph as 3 extra lines. A line that has more than 60 characters (including spaces and punctuation) should be counted as two lines of your total line count. If lines are staggered like a Ferlinghetti poem, estimate the width of the line.
The final book will be printed in 11 point Garamond font on pages that are 4 1/2 inches wide. Poems with lines longer than 4 1/2 inches may be rejected due to printing constraints
Biography Submission Guidelines:
Please include a biography between 50 to 100 words that focuses on your writing career and poetry itself.
For questions or inquiries, please email Larry Robin at
New Voices Anthology - Spring 2025
A series for emerging poets between the ages of 10 and 25. A monthly reading series and a bi-annual publication which strives to bring together younger poets from various communities.
We tend to gather in our own communities. There is nothing wrong with that except we begin to sound alike, look alike, think alike. New Voices is our attempt to expand everyone’s experience, to introduce other ways of everything and to give a platform to the young writers of this generation.
Deadline: April 13th, 2025
Live Reading Event: May 15th, 2025
Anthology Submissions: Please submit one poem for our Spring 2025 New Voices Anthology. This anthology is open to poets between the ages of 10 to 25.
Please limit your submission to one poem.
Keep this poem limited to 35 lines total. When determining the total line length for each poem, include spaces between stanzas (ex: a poem of 5 couplets would equal 14 lines). Numbers or section breaks should also be included as lines when calculating the total line length. Count an epigraph as 3 extra lines. A line that has more than 60 characters (including spaces and punctuation) should be counted as two lines of your total line count. If lines are staggered like a Ferlinghetti poem, estimate the width of the line.
The final book will be printed in 11 point Garamond font on pages that are 4 1/2 inches wide. Poems with lines longer than 4 1/2 inches may be rejected or changed due to printing constraints.
For any questions, please reach out to us at
Year Three: Support Ukraine
Russia invaded Ukraine on February 24, 2022. The Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) verified over 12,600 civilian deaths as of January 2025. The war has resulted in a humanitarian crisis, as thousands of Ukrainians were internally displaced or fled abroad. From a population of 41 million, about 8 million Ukrainians have been internally displaced and more than 8.2 million have fled the country, creating Europe's largest refugee crisis since World War II.
Deadline: Sunday, April 27, 2025
Book Release: Saturday, April 12, 2025
Virtual Program: Sunday, May 25, 2025
Submission Guidelines: Please submit one poem for our Year Three: Support Ukraine anthology.
Keep this poem limited to 35 lines total. When determining the total line length for each poem, include spaces between stanza (ex: a poem of 5 couplets would equal 14 lines). Numbers or section breaks should also be included as lines when calculating the total line length. Count an epigraph as 3 extra lines. A line that has more than 60 characters (including spaces and punctuation) should be counted as two lines. If lines are staggered like a Ferlinghetti poem, estimate the width of the line.
The final book will be printed in 11 point Garamond font on pages that are 4.5 inches wide. Poems with lines longer than 4.5 inches may be changed or denied due to printing constraints.
For questions or inquiries, please email Larry Robin at
Betrayed - Violence Against Women
Inspired by Not If I Can Help It by Meg Groff
In a rare starred review, Kirkus Reviews states:
"The cases she recounts range from harrowing to infuriating: The police shrugged away potential murders as suicides, children were left unsupervised with dangerous fathers with devastating results, doctors assumed that struggling young mothers must be alcoholics. Each episode carries a tremendous punch, as well as a searing lesson about the failings of society to help those in need. Groff deftly narrates her personal experiences to set engrossing scenes, like a last-minute courtroom speech to keep a baby out of protective services or the immense relief from a colleague’s simple affirmation, while never losing sight of the bigger picture. “Abusers do not think of themselves as criminals,” she writes in one of the many examples of the smart, big-picture analysis she offers. Despite such heavy details and subject matter, Groff balances her book with warmth and humor."
Write us a poem about your experience.
Deadline: May 25, 2025
Live reading: June 19, 2025, location TBD
Virtual Reading Event: June 22, 2025
Submission Guidelines: Please submit one poem for our Betrayed: Violence Against Women anthology.
Keep this poem limited to 35 lines total. When determining the total line length for each poem, include spaces between stanza (ex: a poem of 5 couplets would equal 14 lines). Numbers or section breaks should also be included as lines when calculating the total line length. Count an epigraph as 3 extra lines. A line that has more than 60 characters (including spaces and punctuation) should be counted as two lines. If lines are staggered like a Ferlinghetti poem, estimate the width of the line.
The final book will be printed in 11 point Garamond font on pages that are 4.5 inches wide. Poems with lines longer than 4.5 inches may be changed or denied due to printing constraints.
For questions or inquiries, please email Larry Robin at